Thursday, December 20, 2012

North Island Water Sound

Whanganui River, Upokongaro

Virginia Lake, Whanganui

Hawera Beach, Taranaki

Pukekura Park, New Plymouth

Waiwhakaiho River, New Plymouth

Waiwhakaiho River Mouth, New Plymouth

Tongaporutu River, North Taranaki

Three Sisters and Elephant Rock, North Taranaki

Glow Worms at Mangapohue Natural Bridge, Waitomo

Swamp near Huntly, Waikato

Waikawau River mouth, Coromandel Peninsula

In August, Michael Prior and I travelled through the
North Island of New Zealand and recorded sounds
with hydrophones in bodies of water that we found.
The crabs and starfish and oysters in the rockpools at
Long Bay made crackles and pops and squeaks.
The dripping roofs and cave puddles at Tongaporutu
made natural techno music. We thought some algae in
the dank pond near Huntly might say something,
but they did not.