Monday, November 22, 2010

Funny old night up at Gertrude Contemporary art opening

Friday 12th Nov, heavy rain. There was a normal art opening going on downstairs in the gallery. In the top space upstairs there was a nice party with some older people ballroom dancing to Taiwanese pop music. You could learn how to dance to that kind of music with one of the experts if you asked them, or if they asked you. There was home made party food which was made by Michael the host, and some other people, and Michael walked around with a tray and offered it to the guests. In this picture you can see Michael in the late stages of his long thank you speech. He didn't have any notes and he had a lot of people to thank. This is a picture of him trying not to forget anyone.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunhill Police Station, that's the station I'm from

Chris, Monica, Smithy and Chris
by Chris O'Brien
Chris and I made a TV together with a scene in it from a police programme called Rush, made in Victoria, with Chris in it as a police officer. The other officers in the car are Joanna, Josh and Rachel O'Brien. There is an old crow called Paul going "Creak" and the house you can see in the background is Edmund the house.